Wednesday 7 April 2021

2021.6 Web

It’s the precision.


Moonlight stepping strand to strand


delicate as

her hands deft on the keys


dark glitters on the edge


the edge of

hands gather notes like a


“Charmed to meet you.”


“Where did they dig you up?”


exhaustion saws at the edges of him



He is soft-ragged, a breath


Moonlight like a sarabande


Strands echoing in




It’s dark and there’s only his breath


but there’s a tune somewhere beckoning



“They should have left you there”


This isn’t my story

tell your own



“I’m not kind. I’ve never been


heartbeat dropping heavy through his ribcage into his guts

“What did she say?”



There’s nothing here.

It’s been days.

How long has it been?


Time is snatches of breath between


Sleep doesn’t


“I’m sorry.”


“I won’t give up. I


Can’t see anything but



There’s dust now.

“You know what they say about dust”


Dusk was her time


Shifting between states


But it’s night now.


The precision mocks him again, all straight edges in unfiltered light

“Say it again! Say those words!”


Face screwed up like.


“Face it, I’m no-one’s idea of




His laugh caws from him, splatters down among the straight lines

Destination unknown.

“Dehydration, in the end. Simple. Well, not simple.”


“Why didn’t he say anything?”

It’s funny, really.

“Now, there’s a word with a lot of meanings.” 



He tries to cough. There’s nothing but himself.


Pain is a distant thing. He



“Nothing to be done.”



“I’m sorry.”


You said that already.


DC al Fine


This came from the Day 6 prompt, but that’s all I can tell you, as I pretty much just wrote the images as they turned up while listening to the playlist, then arranged them like this.

In a dark space an intricate, irregular, empty spiderweb lit by strong, silvery-white light, stretches out at an angle, leading the view into the centre of the web. The near strands are out of focus.
Image from Smart News; I've not been able to find an attributed source.

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