Wednesday 14 April 2021

2021.13 Cross

I look ahead, pick my subsequent words with care
“That must be quite rare.”
“What happens if…?”
“What do you think?”

I sink into recollection:
My mother tiptoeing for fear of tiny squeaks
My brother freaking at distant rumbling
My cousin clenched tight at the sight of feathers,
Everyone weathering their own storm.

“Normal’s overrated,” I say, airily,
“I dare you to find anyone with nothing
“slumbering in their unconscious.”
“Precisely,” she says, quietly,
leaving me to guess at the
practicalities, how long it takes
for exclusion to be second nature,
wince for this mistake.

The @allographica prompt for Day 13 was to pick some inspiration from the random phobias finder and honestly? Did nothing for me. So, having established that there are individual names for irrational fears of any letter of the alphabet, I did this weird, almost certainly unfinished, deliberately broken lipogram, using the Repeating Forms Tool, on the grounds that the challenge is about writing something, not something perfect, especially when you’re running behind!

Cropped image of an X-Ray of a human skull, neck, and beginning of shoulder, from right-hand side of patient. Image crops off at start of eye sockets and just below base of neck. The person's posture looks quite bad to me, and had me straightening up properly like I haven't for ages. My physio will hopefully be pleased that I've at least belatedly remembered her advice.
Image from Medical News Today

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