Sunday 4 April 2021

2021.3 Eoster

It isn’t quite a year yet, though the day shouts,
unheeding joy bellowing in colours
picturebook bright, obscenely clamorous;
the careless yellow, purple, bronze,
and green, green, green of it all.
Birdsong beckons, clouds dance;
the wind and sunlight
gently caress
the chasm

This is a form known as the Abracadabra, which was Day 4's prompt and I promptly went all emo on it. The form does suit emo, though. And I'm going to blame it on being ill. So there. And I used the Repeating Poetry Form tool to keep me in line.

A close-up picture of a spray of lilacs which grow in clumps of small, four-petalled flowers, pinkish-purple with a white border to each petal. Blurred in the background are more lilac sprays and greenness
Image of lilacs from

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