Tuesday 30 April 2013

#30 Coda

In a rush of unrepentantly self-indulgent meta-poetry, I give you one to end the month with because, I know I won't win medals for this, and some of the work I did was pretty suspect, and it's not the most arduous, painful or dangerous thing in the world, but - you know what? - this is my craft and my work and at the end of the day I set myself a challenge (and several sub-challenges) and I bloody finished it (and them) on time! So this is for me and all the people who did it too, and all you lovely people who read and commented and said "whooo!" in various flavours  :D

Somehow, left and right
Clasped hands and all
The trudging days
Of pleasure turned to grind
And then transmuted into new,
Surprising pleasures
Are now past and,
Gasping, we stand here,
Upon our peak.

Take your time to
Contemplate the others
Now awaiting light
The doors unlocked
The bright and flocking bodies
At the threshold,
Mocking darkness,
Mocking silence.

Smile at all the
New connections made
And how they pulled you
Through the drought days,
And the doubt days,
And the days that
Tugged out fountains from the air,
Miraculous as handkerchiefs -
All monogrammed by hand.

So now my sisters, brothers, sleep -
Close your eyes and,
For this little while,
Just cease.
Your work's complete -
Dream sweetly clasping
Fear's defeat.

1 comment:

  1. my dear fay i aprecciate you very beautiful poetry. i'ts an honor to read you every day kisses charles
